What you can do today is not postpone until tomorrow. That’s what the saying goes, but life also flies by so fast. Do what you want so you don’t regret later that you didn’t.
Our lives are organized around work. Although it fills our everyday lives, but if we get into a bit more philosophical state, we can think about working every weekday until we are nearly seventy - there are even weekends - and in those two days, weekends, we can do what we love. Well, during the holidays.
It’s crazy, so thinking about spending our lives at work. Even if we have a job and a job we love. Yet we get up every morning and try to see life cheerfully, as money is needed for our survival, for our plans, for the realization of our dreams, and it is socially accepted.
Someone consciously prepares for a career as a child and starts to realize his childhood dream along that line, while others fool around uncertainly and look for what they find themselves in. There was a time when people spent their active time in a workplace and retired from that one place. This is no longer the case today and is not considered healthy at all if someone works in one place for an extended period of time. The change, the change is necessary.
Change also involves a sense of insecurity. This is why many people get caught up in the already well-known and well-known state, even though there is room for change. And diversity delights, and novelty can bring confidence, strength, and happiness into our lives. In the meantime, however, we need to get to the opportunity of change, even if we think about it, change is constant around us.
Not only the permanence of the workplace can provide security, but also the environment of our home - in the broadest sense of our country. Some people don’t move out much in the summer either, but make their home such that it gives them comfort. Others wouldn’t give up on being on vacation, but they’ve been visiting the same place for years, decades. And there are those who always want to see new places.
Research was done to see how the change would affect people, so more than a hundred people were involved in the experiment. Research subjects were equipped with a tracker and monitored their movements. Several of them visited new places, gathered new knowledge, and their feedback showed that they were happier, more balanced. Moreover, visiting new places and the happiness and joy that comes from it gives a person such energy that he does not even want to give it up, he has a need to accept as many new ones as possible.
Dare to switch and change.
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(Source: marmalade.co.hu | pictures: pixabay.com)