The device uses radar to monitor for signs of sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea is a potentially severe sleep disorder in which breathing stops from time to time during sleep and then restarts. “Apnea” is a Greek word meaning “without breathing” - it can be read on .
The most common symptoms are:
The device detects breathing with a millimeter-wave radar placed on a bedside table about the size of a palm. The very idea that radar is used for sleep monitoring is not new , in 2014 Nintendo announced a device that would have followed sleep with radio waves, but about two years later, the company said it was unsure of the device’s marketability, so it would never end up. did not appear. Last month, OnePlus announced a concept phone that used mmWave radar to monitor breathing, The Verge wrote.
The codename “Brahms” is no coincidence, of course, inspired by the German composer’s world-famous Lullaby.
In addition to sleep apnea, Amazon is said to use its machine learning and cloud technology to understand sleep disorders other than sleep apnea. Incidentally, Amazon has not yet commented on the existence of the project to Business Investor .
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