There are many of the older generation who simply do not understand how it is possible that today's children look so much at the computer and their smart gadgets? Not only do they not understand, but they don't even agree with it.
One thing is for sure, the tools provided by modern technology should neither be taken away nor banned from the children who are now growing up. We would be doing them a disservice, because they are already the generation whose work and even part of their lives are determined by these devices. Giving them the phone or sitting them in front of the machine as a nanny is also not a solution. The key is how much time we allow them to use these gadgets. In fact, it is also worth coordinating what the gadgets are used for.
It is a fact that children can spend as much time in front of the machines as an adult spends in front of the monitor. The difference, of course, is that adults use all this for work, and children use it purely for fun. However, the increase in screen time can have serious symptoms: sleep disturbance, which can only cause further problems, such as attention deficit, irritability, loss of appetite. Deterioration of vision, headaches, and dry eyes can all indicate that you spend too much time in front of the screen.
The children not only play on the various gadgets, but even a part of the education can take place in this way - see during the pandemic - at the same time, they can also access different contents and communicate much more intensively. All of this means enormous pressure for our nursery, as they need to find their way around this cavalcade. If this is not supervised, behavior and personality development can turn very bad. At an age when they are most impressionable.
At the same time, the challenge is at least as great as being able to put down the gadgets and deal with something else. The primary role model for our children is ourselves. It won't be credible if we ask you to hang up the phone while we're constantly pushing you. Let's put it down and make a joint program. Even just a good conversation, a walk together, playing board games, or even cleaning the home together can prove to be a good idea.
Eating can be one of the points of the day when we are together. This period is sacred and inviolable. Everyone should sit at the table, and no one should have a phone in their hand.
It is worth opening a conversation about the harms of someone dealing with their gadgets too much. It limits a person both physically and mentally. It's not that it can't be used, but within limits. At the same time, this is not necessarily effective either, so you can even ask for the help of a professional to break the gadget addiction.
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(Source: | Images: Pixabay)