Guests have signed up for you, but doesn’t your home stand in a way that can be accepted with a calm heart and proper aesthetics? With a quick solution, a tiptop order can be created.
Where the priests dance. This is often said for the form of cleaning when only tangentially where some cleaning is done is done. However, it is just enough to appear, as strangers or those who do not live with us will not pull their fingers all the way to the top of the cabinet to see how thick the powder layer is. However, it is very important to judge what their first impression of our home is.
If we want a positive judgment
You don’t just have to focus on the look. Whoever enters our home does not necessarily face the sight first, but the smells and smells. If we want the one coming to us not to grimace when he enters us, then while we are trying to get the house in order, ventilate it. Fresh air can work wonders. This in itself, of course, is not enough to show an actually tidy home to someone else. That is why, with ventilation, let us pass the laundry basket in our hands through all the rooms and put all the clothes that are pushed on the chair, bed, floor into the basket. It doesn’t hurt to take a ride in our trash with our trash after that too, so that the unloaded waste actually lands in the trash. These are the cornerstones of policing, which, moreover, mean a great deal in appearance.
Let’s tidy up the hallway by unpacking the shoes and putting the excess coats in the closet as well, creating space for guests ’things.
Guests arriving may also wish to use our washing machine. If you don’t want to get in an awkward position, take some time for this room as well. Pour disinfectant and toilet cleaner into the toilet and washbasin. Not only does it neutralize odors, but of course it cleans. The bathroom mirror provides a disappointing sight if it is stained or toothpaste, so it is worth wiping it with a window cleaner in a few seconds.
If the living room and kitchen are one space, it is not enough to just focus on the living room. Take a few minutes to the kitchen as well. If too much is accumulated unwashed in the sink, you can either swallow it in the dishwasher, it lacks the sink. However, if there is no time left, it is advisable to place the laundry dishes temporarily either in the oven or in the cupboard so that they are not in front of the guests ’eyes. In the case of a damp cleaning cloth or more severe soiling, wiping with a detergent sponge may be key.
If we have time, be sure to pay attention to the floor. A sweep, vacuum and mop makes our environment spectacularly cleaner. Even if we don’t do the most thorough cleaning, the feeling is still much better and so is the judgment.
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