Get your money in time!

Get your money in time!

We can have methods that not only work in the short term, but also influence the future, if we make them conscious.
  • saving money ()
  • consciousness ()
  • finance ()

Once you've decided, set achievable and long-term goals!

Optimism alone is not enough for life. Motivation is necessary and there is no motivation without plans.

Without ambitious plans, there is no progress and development. Sometimes the goals to be achieved are at such a height that they seem unrealistic. With some luck and incredible will, it can be done, but it doesn't always work out. That is why, if we now think that we want to change our lives somewhat or even more radically, we must set new achievable goals for ourselves. However, if we want to put the change on a more stable foundation, then even if the goal is big, let's set the steps for it and proceed accordingly. With this, we guarantee safe progress for ourselves and the disappointment cannot be as great as if we wanted to immediately break the finish line.


Well, somehow it's worth thinking about your New Year's resolution. It's okay if we want something new and better, and it's also great if we have a plan in our head that we want to achieve. Weight loss, a more athletic life, anything can be the object of the vow, but if before that we lived and thought completely differently, then certain habits have already formed, which can only be overcome and reshaped little by little.

Do we want to incorporate sport into our lives starting next year to become a fitter and healthier person? It's a nice thought, but if it didn't even work at the thought level before, in order not to put it into practice, you have to strongly tune in to your new outlook on life and start accordingly, but with small steps, so that your mood doesn't leave you after a few days.

Let's think of the New Year's resolution as a milestone that we want to keep seriously. Although many people tend to schedule such large-scale resolutions for New Year's Eve and the first day of the new year, we can actually decide at any time that we want to change our lifestyle. For this, however, it is not enough to just think about it, but also to do it. The pledge should focus on what positively affects our lives and will have an impact on our physical, spiritual and mental health.


If you have already decided on a thought level that you want to live a healthier and therefore happier life in the next year, then let's also think about how we have lived up to now. Forget about ordered meals and especially fast food. Let's cook at home as much as possible and with the best ingredients. Moderate the consumption of bread, instead include as many vegetables and fruits as possible. Let's get rid of unhealthy snacks and soft drinks.

The introduction of movement can start with a few minutes of walking or jogging, the time and effectiveness of which can be gradually increased. The point is that the movement is good and we don't feel like it: it should end once and we'll never do it again.

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(Source: | Images: Pixabay)


  • New Year's Eve ()
  • New Year ()
  • points ()
  • vow ()

Get your money in time!

Get your money in time!

We can have methods that not only work in the short term, but also influence the future, if we make them conscious.
  • saving money ()
  • consciousness ()
  • finance ()
Boost the New Year's Eve mood!
Music, dancing, delicious food and drinks are the basic requirements for the New Year's Eve atmosphere, but games can also be added for great fun.
  • New Year's Eve ()
  • party ()
  • games ()
You can feel better in a few days
Between two holidays, you can insert a diet that will make you feel better in your skin.
  • diet ()
  • food (11)
  • Christmas ()


Get your money in time!

Get your money in time!

We can have methods that not only work in the short term, but also influence the future, if we make them conscious.
  • saving money ()
  • consciousness ()
  • finance ()


The Baltic Diet for the Future?
According to the University of Helsinki research, at least the consumption of foods made from Nordic ingredients reduces the risk of obesity and inflammation. This diet does not contain large amounts of red meat, animal fats
  • diet ()
  • menu (5)
  • diet ()
Symptoms of childhood eating allergy
The incidence of childhood food allergy is around 6-8 per cent, in children below 3 years of age. Within this, the number of allergy patients with cows' milk protein is particularly high, about 3 percent. It often causes allergic complaints to eggs, soybeans, wheat, peanuts too. Food allergy can also cause symptoms on the skin, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract.
  • nutrition ()
  • allergies ()
  • Child ()
What Is Eating During Pregnancy Diabetes?
During pregnancy, some women meet with some tests, be it perfectly healthy or endangered pregnant. One of these is the sugar intake, where pregnancy diabetes is screened by professionals. After attesting to diabetes, proper diet is essential, but many people do not know what the details need to be more closely watched. On this topic, Diána Yellow, the Buda Endocrinologist Diet is here to help.
  • nutrition ()
  • pregnancy ()
  • diabetes ()
These are the causes of low estrogen levels
Estrogen is one of the most important female sex hormones, the right amount of which is essential for the normal functioning of the body. If you are present too large - that is, estrogen anomaly - can cause great damage, but what if the estrogen levels are too low? Ildikó Lőrincz, gynecologist-endocrinologist at the Gynecology Center, spoke about the causes of low estrogen levels.
  • estrogen levels ()
  • PCOS ()
  • Symptoms ()
We can do the afternoon rest
How good it would be to incorporate after-lunch sunbathing into the workplace regulations.
  • health (71)
  • resting ()
  • afternoon ()


The Baltic Diet for the Future?
According to the University of Helsinki research, at least the consumption of foods made from Nordic ingredients reduces the risk of obesity and inflammation. This diet does not contain large amounts of red meat, animal fats
  • diet ()
  • menu (5)
  • diet ()
Symptoms of childhood eating allergy
The incidence of childhood food allergy is around 6-8 per cent, in children below 3 years of age. Within this, the number of allergy patients with cows' milk protein is particularly high, about 3 percent. It often causes allergic complaints to eggs, soybeans, wheat, peanuts too. Food allergy can also cause symptoms on the skin, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract.
  • nutrition ()
  • allergies ()
  • Child ()
What Is Eating During Pregnancy Diabetes?
During pregnancy, some women meet with some tests, be it perfectly healthy or endangered pregnant. One of these is the sugar intake, where pregnancy diabetes is screened by professionals. After attesting to diabetes, proper diet is essential, but many people do not know what the details need to be more closely watched. On this topic, Diána Yellow, the Buda Endocrinologist Diet is here to help.
  • nutrition ()
  • pregnancy ()
  • diabetes ()
These are the causes of low estrogen levels
Estrogen is one of the most important female sex hormones, the right amount of which is essential for the normal functioning of the body. If you are present too large - that is, estrogen anomaly - can cause great damage, but what if the estrogen levels are too low? Ildikó Lőrincz, gynecologist-endocrinologist at the Gynecology Center, spoke about the causes of low estrogen levels.
  • estrogen levels ()
  • PCOS ()
  • Symptoms ()
We can do the afternoon rest
How good it would be to incorporate after-lunch sunbathing into the workplace regulations.
  • health (71)
  • resting ()
  • afternoon ()