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We can have methods that not only work in the short term, but also influence the future, if we make them conscious.
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Processed meat can also cause breast cancer

A small increase in the risk of breast cancer in women if they regularly eat processed meat, such as bacon and sausage, said a new study that used data from over one million women to analyze.


US researchers in their work published in the International Journal of Cancer have analyzed data from 15 previous studies and found that women who consume a lot of processed meat have a 9% increase in the risk of developing breast cancer compared to those who eat little.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has already stated that processed meat can be carcinogenic.
However, experts have cautioned about the findings of the study and pointed out that the real risk for some women is "very low", rather than projected to the general population - added the article on the BBC News website.

The study, based on data from over one million women in total, found a link between the consumption of processed meat and the development of breast cancer, but it was not able to clearly demonstrate whether cancer was actually caused by these meat. The study analyzed 15 previous researches, but differently defined what is considered to be excessive consumption of processed meat.


For example, in a British study, more than 9 grams of calculated daily, two to three slices of weekly toasted bacon, were considered to be more risky in other studies.

Analyzed research, based on the participants' remarks, recorded what they ate, and examined who developed breast cancer during subsequent follow-up. At the same time, the problem is that those who have consumed different amounts of processed meat may have other lifestyle differences that have caused their breast cancer.

In Britain, 14 out of every 100 women develop at some stage in their breast cancer. The 9 percent risk increase can also be translated into a further one case per 100 women.
Researchers stressed that cancer risk was caused by processed meat, and that no such relationship was found in the consumption of red meat. WHO classified red meat as "suspected carcinogenic".

Maryam Farvid, researcher at Harvard Medical University, the leading author of the study suggested reducing meat consumption in the light of the results, but did not advise it to leave the diet.


Currently, the recommended amount is not more than 70 grams of red meat per day.

Processed meat - bacon, sausage, hot dog, salami, ham, salted, dried, pickled beef - are made with different preservation methods. There are several theories about why they can raise cancer risk, one says the carrot can affect the protein in the meat, which makes it carcinogenic.

(Source:; MTI | Picture:


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  • meat (3)

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Get your money in time!

We can have methods that not only work in the short term, but also influence the future, if we make them conscious.
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Boost the New Year's Eve mood!
Music, dancing, delicious food and drinks are the basic requirements for the New Year's Eve atmosphere, but games can also be added for great fun.
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You can feel better in a few days
Between two holidays, you can insert a diet that will make you feel better in your skin.
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  • food (11)
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Get your money in time!

Get your money in time!

We can have methods that not only work in the short term, but also influence the future, if we make them conscious.
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The Baltic Diet for the Future?
According to the University of Helsinki research, at least the consumption of foods made from Nordic ingredients reduces the risk of obesity and inflammation. This diet does not contain large amounts of red meat, animal fats
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  • menu (5)
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Symptoms of childhood eating allergy
The incidence of childhood food allergy is around 6-8 per cent, in children below 3 years of age. Within this, the number of allergy patients with cows' milk protein is particularly high, about 3 percent. It often causes allergic complaints to eggs, soybeans, wheat, peanuts too. Food allergy can also cause symptoms on the skin, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract.
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What Is Eating During Pregnancy Diabetes?
During pregnancy, some women meet with some tests, be it perfectly healthy or endangered pregnant. One of these is the sugar intake, where pregnancy diabetes is screened by professionals. After attesting to diabetes, proper diet is essential, but many people do not know what the details need to be more closely watched. On this topic, Diána Yellow, the Buda Endocrinologist Diet is here to help.
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These are the causes of low estrogen levels
Estrogen is one of the most important female sex hormones, the right amount of which is essential for the normal functioning of the body. If you are present too large - that is, estrogen anomaly - can cause great damage, but what if the estrogen levels are too low? Ildikó Lőrincz, gynecologist-endocrinologist at the Gynecology Center, spoke about the causes of low estrogen levels.
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We can do the afternoon rest
How good it would be to incorporate after-lunch sunbathing into the workplace regulations.
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The Baltic Diet for the Future?
According to the University of Helsinki research, at least the consumption of foods made from Nordic ingredients reduces the risk of obesity and inflammation. This diet does not contain large amounts of red meat, animal fats
  • diet ()
  • menu (5)
  • diet ()
Symptoms of childhood eating allergy
The incidence of childhood food allergy is around 6-8 per cent, in children below 3 years of age. Within this, the number of allergy patients with cows' milk protein is particularly high, about 3 percent. It often causes allergic complaints to eggs, soybeans, wheat, peanuts too. Food allergy can also cause symptoms on the skin, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract.
  • nutrition ()
  • allergies ()
  • Child ()
What Is Eating During Pregnancy Diabetes?
During pregnancy, some women meet with some tests, be it perfectly healthy or endangered pregnant. One of these is the sugar intake, where pregnancy diabetes is screened by professionals. After attesting to diabetes, proper diet is essential, but many people do not know what the details need to be more closely watched. On this topic, Diána Yellow, the Buda Endocrinologist Diet is here to help.
  • nutrition ()
  • pregnancy ()
  • diabetes ()
These are the causes of low estrogen levels
Estrogen is one of the most important female sex hormones, the right amount of which is essential for the normal functioning of the body. If you are present too large - that is, estrogen anomaly - can cause great damage, but what if the estrogen levels are too low? Ildikó Lőrincz, gynecologist-endocrinologist at the Gynecology Center, spoke about the causes of low estrogen levels.
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  • Symptoms ()
We can do the afternoon rest
How good it would be to incorporate after-lunch sunbathing into the workplace regulations.
  • health (71)
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