Get your money in time!

Get your money in time!

We can have methods that not only work in the short term, but also influence the future, if we make them conscious.
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You can prepare for the clock in time

Here is the spring, finally the flower, the buds have fallen into the plants, the living beings of our environment are much more active and we want to be more and more outdoors. But spring has something else.

At the dawn of March last Sunday, the clock must be set one hour later, which means that we will add our day one hour that day. However, this does not fill everyone with happiness, because the fact of setting the clock itself upset the system of many. There are many fewer people who do not wake up because of the macera around the clock, but this is because they are less borne by the discomfort caused by the changeover.


The essence of changing the clock is in energy saving, although it has been constantly attacked by professionals, not to mention what chaos can be caused by plus, minus one hour in the human biorhythm. Of course, many are protesting about this and it is about to be terminated sooner or later, but until then we have to adapt and prepare for the changes that can be caused by the clock change.

We know that on Sunday 31st March this time, two o'clock in the morning, the clock should be set to three, and the consciousness of it will move many. They are also conscious of being confronted with the upset of biorhythm. The mystery of the transition to summer time may even occur weeks before, even if at first it is only the physical manifestations of the conscious, but the actual transition.

Just an hour could be said. After all, it is so fast, why still bear the body of the one-hour shift? This is because biological clock (everyone's daily routine may be different) rhythm, and if we strive for our agenda, everything has its time. However, if this is confused by something, then you have to rebuild the already well-proven beat. However, in rhythm rebuilding, there may be some chances of error, because when you could still sleep and be in the deep phase of sleep, you need to get up for the clock, which can affect the quality of sleep. Of course, this also affects how we feel relaxed or not.


At the weekend we find ourselves facing the clock again, but we can do it to make it easier to survive. Tea made from herbs can be a good thing if you want a relaxing sleep. The lemon balm and the valerian tea can bring us a calm dream, so it is worth sipping them before going to bed. Do not use artificial anesthetics in any way. It is a pleasant time in the afternoon, so you can take a walk for the evening. It is better to start the morning by waking up a bit earlier than usual, but the time you need to sleep should be half an hour earlier or later, so the body can adapt. You don't have to set the alarm clock in just a quarter of an hour, but it can gradually prepare for the change. Anyone who knows about himself / herself to endure the transition, do not plan fateful questions and plans for the days after the clock has been set.

For more details, please visit our Facebook page!

(Source: <br>


  • biorhythms ()
  • time ()
  • time change ()

Get your money in time!

Get your money in time!

We can have methods that not only work in the short term, but also influence the future, if we make them conscious.
  • saving money ()
  • consciousness ()
  • finance ()
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Get your money in time!

Get your money in time!

We can have methods that not only work in the short term, but also influence the future, if we make them conscious.
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  • consciousness ()
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According to the University of Helsinki research, at least the consumption of foods made from Nordic ingredients reduces the risk of obesity and inflammation. This diet does not contain large amounts of red meat, animal fats
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The incidence of childhood food allergy is around 6-8 per cent, in children below 3 years of age. Within this, the number of allergy patients with cows' milk protein is particularly high, about 3 percent. It often causes allergic complaints to eggs, soybeans, wheat, peanuts too. Food allergy can also cause symptoms on the skin, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract.
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What Is Eating During Pregnancy Diabetes?
During pregnancy, some women meet with some tests, be it perfectly healthy or endangered pregnant. One of these is the sugar intake, where pregnancy diabetes is screened by professionals. After attesting to diabetes, proper diet is essential, but many people do not know what the details need to be more closely watched. On this topic, Diána Yellow, the Buda Endocrinologist Diet is here to help.
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How good it would be to incorporate after-lunch sunbathing into the workplace regulations.
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The Baltic Diet for the Future?
According to the University of Helsinki research, at least the consumption of foods made from Nordic ingredients reduces the risk of obesity and inflammation. This diet does not contain large amounts of red meat, animal fats
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Symptoms of childhood eating allergy
The incidence of childhood food allergy is around 6-8 per cent, in children below 3 years of age. Within this, the number of allergy patients with cows' milk protein is particularly high, about 3 percent. It often causes allergic complaints to eggs, soybeans, wheat, peanuts too. Food allergy can also cause symptoms on the skin, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract.
  • nutrition ()
  • allergies ()
  • Child ()
What Is Eating During Pregnancy Diabetes?
During pregnancy, some women meet with some tests, be it perfectly healthy or endangered pregnant. One of these is the sugar intake, where pregnancy diabetes is screened by professionals. After attesting to diabetes, proper diet is essential, but many people do not know what the details need to be more closely watched. On this topic, Diána Yellow, the Buda Endocrinologist Diet is here to help.
  • nutrition ()
  • pregnancy ()
  • diabetes ()
These are the causes of low estrogen levels
Estrogen is one of the most important female sex hormones, the right amount of which is essential for the normal functioning of the body. If you are present too large - that is, estrogen anomaly - can cause great damage, but what if the estrogen levels are too low? Ildikó Lőrincz, gynecologist-endocrinologist at the Gynecology Center, spoke about the causes of low estrogen levels.
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We can do the afternoon rest
How good it would be to incorporate after-lunch sunbathing into the workplace regulations.
  • health (71)
  • resting ()
  • afternoon ()