In our calm world due to the coronavirus epidemic, we have noticed how this outage affects our environment. Environmental protection is basically our future.
Climate change is showing its blessings one after the other, outlining a scary future for us. More and more areas are trying to sustain themselves in an environmentally friendly way, and this may already be the case in some industries. Thus, several of the big fashion brands have already made their collection animal-friendly, which means that they do not use any animal-derived materials to make their clothes. In addition, a new approach to fashion has emerged, namely the green fashion industry.
The British clothing brand Bruberry, which has existed since 1856, also strives for sustainability. Earth Day is fundamentally moving the world, and for this occasion, it is timed to present Bruberry’s new 2020 fall collection. It is no coincidence that it was named ReBurberry Edit, as all pieces in the collection are made from recycled materials. These products already carry labels that indicate how much recycled material they contain. You can even learn more about such a label. They even indicated how paid an employee of the factory was to who made the product.
Burberry aims to provide the world with an even “greener” collection in two years, and I want to include labels on all of its products. Their plan for the longer term and in the near future is to completely eliminate the use of plastics and reduce carbon emissions from manufacturing.
Fashion designers are also touched by environmental awareness, so New York fashion designer Christy Rilling is also working with recycled materials. Although there are fewer orders during the coronavirus epidemic, it nonetheless strives to use an environmentally friendly method. With his work, he can not only pay for his employees, but even do charity work.
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