It may be trite, but as a New Year's vow, many people have the idea to change their lifestyle and / or lose weight. The idea is good, but without deeds it is worth nothing.
It is not only the New Year that can trigger a vision in people that consciously changes their lives, their attitudes towards their lives. Most of all, we want to get rid of the extra pounds, but restoring, preserving and maintaining health can be at least as important. Determination is useless if it is not followed by determination.
We’re already in mid-February, but it’s not too late to get our body in shape. It’s worth realizing not only with the bikini season in mind, but also with the health risks of being overweight. How do we stand for him now?
It’s not even a question of how to get started, but rather what to do to not suffer, but to achieve our goal.
Fluid replacement
It is not yet summer for our body to thirst for water shortages. Adequate fluid intake can be a much greater challenge during this period. However, hydration is very important. If you want to help you lose weight, pay attention to your intake. Sometimes the body can joke. Thirst can be felt as if we are hungry. Drink a glass of water before eating. If hunger still persists, you really need to eat. Otherwise, it was just thirst, so you don't have to strain your tummy unnecessarily.
Let's not torture ourselves!
The word weight loss implies that we have to torture ourselves without missing delicious bites. But this can be followed by a binge eating that destroys our energy for weight loss in a matter of seconds. This is why weight loss can be enjoyable. Try to get healthy food on the plate, but snacks should not be overlooked either: they can be seeds, vegetables, fruits.
Movement above all else
It is not mandatory to go to the gym to start sports. We can even move ourselves in the workplace. If possible, get to work by bike or on foot. Use the stairs instead of the elevator.
Good night!
Balanced sleep is also essential to keep our weight under control. It takes at least 8 hours of restful sleep for our body to function properly without having to face bouts of eating.
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(Source: | Pictures: Pixabay)